Being a Christian vs. Being a Discple?

Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior but choosing not to obey or being a study and have Christ character is being a “Vampire Christian”
Dallas Willard
“ The disciple is one who, intent upon becoming Christ-like and so dwelling in his “faith and practice,” systematically and progressively rearranges his affairs to that end.”
Dallas Willard
What is Discipleship?

The short answer is that a disciple is a lifetime apprentice (learner) of Jesus Christ.

The first step in becoming a disciple is accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior and confessing your sins to Jesus. The next, or continual choice of being a disciple, comes with growing daily in Christ's teachings. This growth occurs daily, sometimes moment by moment, action of dying to self and being obedient to the Holy Spirit's adjustments and assignments.